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  • Writer's pictureRachel Zuckerman

May 31st: Singapore National Museum and Gillman Barracks

For the first spot today, we went to the Singapore National Museum for a guided tour of the exhibit on the history of Singapore, which went through everything from the discovery of Singapore to modern day. The tour was really amazing because we got to learn about the design choices behind the look and feel of the space from the company who created the space, GSM. Event Design is a really amazing form of design that takes into account not only the colors, graphics, and lighting choices, but it also designs how the visitor might feel when they walk through the space, and how the journey from the start to the end of the exhibit should effect viewers. An example of a powerful usage of this was when the whole design of the room turned dark, and the imagery went grim as the exhibit covered the events of Japan's occupation of Singapore in World war 2.

We also got to visit the Gillman Barracks, which is a collection of buildings with small modern art exhibits in each building. The exhibits were all unique and different, with some showing collections of painting on metallic sheets, to another where all the sculptures in the room were made from paper (The ship on the bottom row is made entirely from paper). Some of the galleries had some wild art, and some was breathtakingly beautiful. I really enjoyed just taking my time to explore each gallery.

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