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  • Writer's pictureRachel Zuckerman

May 28th: LaSelle College Animation School

Today my favorite place we got to see was the LaSelle Film and Animation School. This was the first arts school we got to visit, and I was excited to see what arts students of our age were learning in Singapore. I have always been deeply fond and passionate about animators and the work they do, and I loved hearing about the program their students go through. In many ways their curriculum was similar to our own, but it was the way they approached projects that really fascinated me. During the students second and third years, they are in charge of designing project briefs and project goals for assignments they want to work on. All they are given is the time frame, and with that they can create an assignment to approach that interests them and plays into the skills they want to continue working on. This creative way of doing some assignments sounded really amazing to me, and I would love getting a few more projects like that in our school. I know we do get a few that are similar. but getting an open ended invitation to work on whatever we like to improve on in an organized setting, is something I would love to see more of in our school. I also really liked how seniors worked in small groups of two to three for their final assignments, I enjoy small groups like that, and it is reflective of what you may find in a real world setting in a studio.

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